Labour Market Insights: The Ideal Time for Electrical Apprentices
There is a huge supply and demand imbalance in Australia with respect to tradespeople today. A shortage of competent and skilled labour presents an opportunity for young people who want to pursue these professions, particularly electricians.
In the building and construction industry, electricians make up about 30% of the workforce. However, there is a shortage of skilled workers. The ones who are electricians are overworked and stretched beyond their hours. So, if you are considering a career in electrotechnology, now is the time to get started.
Before we get into the career opportunities available for electricians, let us take a look at the overall labour market insights.
Employment Outlook
As per Jobs and Skills Australia, the employment projections for a five year period between November 2021 and November 2026 shows a strong growth in the industry. There is a projected increase of 10.2% and the number of workers is likely to grow from 143,100 to 157,700.
Earnings and Hours
Electricians who work full-time hours comprise 90% of the workforce. The average work hours that they put in are 45 hours per week. This is similar to the all jobs average which is 44 hours a week.
An important point to note here is that more than a third of these workers need to put in extra hours, which may be both paid and unpaid. This indicates that there is a shortage of skilled labour in this domain, providing opportunities to electrical apprentices to create a rewarding career for themselves.
If you are wondering whether you want to pursue a career as an electrician, then this section will help you make a decision. The average full-time earnings of electricians $2120 each week. The all-jobs median, as per the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours (2021), stands much lower at $1593. Skilled full-time electricians earn over $2743 each week. Even the average hourly earnings for electricians when compared to the all jobs median stands higher at $49 per hour, while the latter is at $41 per hour.
44% of Electricians reside outside capital cities. This indicates higher employment opportunities for electricians across the country. New South Wales and Victoria have the highest share of employment for electricians at 29.3% and 22.1% respectively. In comparison to the population size, Western Australia also has a huge employment share.
Worker Profile
The median age for electricians is 34 years, much lower than the all jobs average which is 40 years. Most workers are between 25 and 34 years of age. The percentage of women in the workforce is 2% which is significantly lower than the all jobs median of 48%.
Education and Employment Pathways
To work as an electrician, a Certificate III in Electrotechnology is required. Usually, the course is completed through an apprenticeship pathway. This allows electricians to become job ready by the end of the course as they gain practical experience and understand professional requirements.
Electricians in Australia can find work opportunities in several industries. This includes:
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Mining
- Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services
68% of electricians work in the construction industry.
Why This is The Best Time To Be an Electrician in Australia
From the labour market insights, it is evident that the opportunities available for electricians are growing consistently. Here is a quick summary of the primary reasons why this is the best time to be an electrician in Australia:
- Job security: Given the growing demand for electricians, you will not have difficulty finding work. The licence that you obtain after completing the Certificate III in Electrotechnology is valid all over Australia. And, as the insights show, job opportunities are available throughout the country. In fact, the unemployment rate for electricians is below average. It is also a rewarding career which allows growth and also gives you a chance to become an entrepreneur.
- High Earnings: Pay is one of the biggest reasons for choosing a career pathway. Electricians have high weekly median earnings. For those with specialised skills or working in mines or underground, the average weekly earnings can go up to $3000.
- Flexible work hours: If you choose to start your own business or work FIFO (fly-in-fly-out), working hours are very flexible.
Get Started With Your Pre-Apprenticeship Training Today
As mentioned before, most electricians complete their Certificate III in Electrotechnology through an apprenticeship pathway. Frontier’s Certificate II Pre-Apprenticeship course (career start) is designed to help find the right employer for your apprenticeship program.
Here are some highlights of the course:
- Develop broad-based competencies in a range of electrotechnology fields, such as lighting, general power, fire protection and security, robotics, instrumentation, optical data and voice systems, electrical motors, and control systems.
- Get a recognised qualification and credits for your apprenticeship program
- Simulated practical workshop and work simulations to gain hands-on experience.
Frontier also has a large professional network and can assist you to find the right employer to continue your apprenticeship program and set the foundation for a rewarding career as an electrician in Australia.