As the digital economy continues on its current upward path, it presents a huge opportunity for growth that aligns with rapid advances in some of the core telecom technologies that underpin Australia’s digital ecosystem.  You’re also probably aware that as this current trend heats up further, our beautiful country is also strengthening its position as a leading global destination for the latest in technology innovation in the telecom sector. And if you’ve read this far, it means you probably have an interest in the career possibilities that could crop up in the telecom space here in Australia.

Testing the telecom waters

One generation ago, the definition of being lucky meant being in the right place at the right time. But that cliché, like many others, has run its course. With the increasing excitement on the digital side of things (seriously, what other side is there?), the scope of the telecom industry has also expanded to include connectivity that affects all aspects of everyday life, whether it’s for business or domestic applications. You will soon realize that the more you look around you, the less likely you are to miss seeing the variety of career opportunities that telecom has to offer—from engineers to testers, to supervisors, to field cablers, and so on. Every business without exception is racing to optimize its connectivity capabilities to ensure customer order fulfilment happens at the speed of thought.

So, how do I get into the telecom sector?

Not all telecom careers begin with formal training—some people opt for on-the-job experience. It really depends on the type of positions available and how they line up with your career goals. You can opt for a professional certificate, associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or graduate degree in telecommunications or computer science. While there is a host of entry-level opportunities for fit & healthy people working within the Telecommunications industry for which no prior experience is required, a basic open cabler registration skill set qualification certificate that meets Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) standards will give you a definite beginner’s edge in finding work on onsite projects.

As an aspiring cable worker, here’s what you should know

Entry requirements in this sector can vary, but most employers require you to be 18 years of age or older and have at least Year 10 level education. But you can also begin work in cabling by completing a VET qualification. Language, literacy, and numeracy assessment and training are also essential to boost your chances of getting hired in this sector.

The personality traits most employers of cabling workers look for are that you have a working knowledge of workplace safety standards, you’re fairly able to cope with the physical demands of the job, have good hand-eye coordination and enjoy hands-on work. Good communication skills and any relevant work experience always work to your advantage in getting hired.

More about the basic open cabler registration set course

This short course is for new as well as existing workers in the telecom industry who are looking for employment as open registered cablers. It covers these four main competencies, namely:

  • ICTWHS204 – Follow work health and safety and environmental policy and procedures
  • ICTTEN208 – Use electrical skills when working with telecommunications networks
  • ICTTEN202 – Use hand and power tools
  • ICTCBL247 – Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling: ACMA Open Rule

This course will help you develop the skills and knowledge required to install, maintain and modify telecommunications customer cabling in domestic and commercial premises. Plus, on successfully completing the course, you can apply for your Open Registration License as outlined under industry-recognized licensing guidelines.

Employment for telecom cable workers

Telecom cable workers primarily work in the installation and maintenance of data and telecommunications cables. These cables may be located in underground pipes, laid out in trenches, or channelled through overhead duct systems. Modern cable workers work either with copper or fibre optic cables, and may often specialise in a specific part of the cabling process or a specific role.

Telecommunications cable workers find employment in a variety of small, medium, and large companies—including large telecom providers and their contractors, network and exchange equipment suppliers, customer premises equipment suppliers, and providers of installation and maintenance services.

Specialization opportunities in cabling

While you grow your work experience as a data and telecom cabler, you can choose to pursue one or more specific types of cabling work, depending on your area of interest and the opportunities you want to explore as you move ahead.

  • Broadband network installer: These cabler workers install and maintain network termination and connection devices and points of entry on different kinds of customer premises.
  • Broadband fibre splicer: A fibre splicer’s job is to connect, join, terminate, splice, test, and repair fibre-optic cables, and install optic splitters.
  • Telecom linesworker: The main job of a telecommunications linesworker is to install, maintain, and haul fibre-optic cables through container pipes or conduits placed in specially created underground pits and trenches.
  • Data and telecommunications cable worker: This type of work involves the installation and maintenance of data and telecommunications cables located in underground pipes, trenches, or drawn via overhead ducting systems.

If you want to jumpstart your career in Australia’s telecom industry, sign up for the Basic Open Cabler Registration Skill Set course from Frontier Institute of Technology. It’s the first step in getting ahead.